May 06, 2009 07:56
(points if you get the movie reference) It has been a rough 7 days. A good family friend passed away unexpectedly last week. After spending the remaining days in the week rearranging schedules, I was able to take my folks to the funeral on Saturday. Eric wanted to go, but his brother was in town, so he stayed for him. Saturday was difficult....I don't usually get that emotional at funerals, but Tony's was too much for me to take. Mom cried all the way through church on Sunday because it was Psalm 23, The Lord is My shephered, I shall not want...etc. After whirl-wind 36 hours at home with no sleep, I had to take Ed and Eric shopping on Sunday. Then Eric finds out that his vacation time is capped, and he has to take some vaca time to earn more time. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but we are quite busy this May. So, we have to drop everything and go somewhere next week. The plan is to head to Lousiville, KY, and drop off Alex with Eric's folks. We have to be back on Thursday for Gymboree and then Eric's Mom and Aunt are coming here the following week for Alex's birthday and the Cubs/Cards game. Then the Saturday after that is Prairie Home Companion, thus concluding May.
I just want to that too much to ask?