strange week

May 15, 2005 20:16

had a massive arguement with my ex's girlf and almost said some things i shouldnt, then i had a big email off him saying he freaks out when he sees me(wtf!) but wants to be mates but his girlf says no he wants to be civil, i give up. found out the reason he hasnt come up to chester with me is coz of i give up, he can get the train up to see his family im fed up of his bullshit. as you probably read coz of jims job we have lost our house :( summer plans have been ruined. realised how much uni work i have eeeek! i booked my holiday to Gran Canaria, our apartment is 47 steps from the clubs on the side of a hill! that will be fun getting home lol. had a weird day, dont really feel great.
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