New years random thoughts

Jan 17, 2011 15:22

It's not all of the way through January yet.  I'm afraid of jinxing myself by saying this right now, but this year is starting out better than last.  It has to be.  My son is going to be born this year.

In the first week of last year, (First week = January 2nd)  there were emergencies on Red's side of the family and my dad almost died at the hospital.  My dad spent a week at the hospital so while Red was dealing with his own family emergencies, I couldn't be there for him, and his family, as much as I wished I could.  And vise-versa.

Since then, things have slowly panned out on Red's side of the family and my Dad has worked hard.  Not only has he fully recovered, but he is still working on improving his own health.  Something that I'm incredibly proud of him for doing.  It's not easy to change a life style.  Especially when it comes to eating.

Since then, Red and I have both been in and out of work for different reasons, I've spent more time in the hospital than I really care to count because of emergencies with friends.  While things have ended well, it has still felt like one thing after another.

If you've read this far, you must think I'm an incredibly negative person now.  There's been a lot of good things that have happened this past year too.  There's been new love that has been blossoming for one of my room mates who has been there for me through everything since high school.  Another good friend of mine who has had me as a room mate, and is someone I've known since high school, got married. Walking down the isle to the theme song of Dr. Who.

As far as what I know about what this year is going to bring, well.  I've already mentioned the one thing that I know is for sure.  He's ariving around March 23rd.  (March 21nd if you listen to the fortune cookie message.  (Yes there really is a fortune cookie message.))  I'm scared about not being able to give this kid the right start, however I also know that I've got unbelievable support behind me coming from teachers, family, and friends.

I've got more thoughts but those can be added to another journal.
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