I've resently discovered a thing called speed paints. I'm terrible at digital art work, but lately I've been trying to get better. The problem is that I have no patients for the media. My happiness in a peace of art work can go from extremely proud, to extremely frustrated in a matter of seconds.
Once I started getting fairly good at them, I started offering them as $1 commissions to keep myself going. So far this is what I have.
I've also use this speed painting technique to get the hang of just sketching. for some reason things look different on the computer compared to when I look at them on a piece of paper. Here is a WereCat image
Everything in this page is done in a program called GIMP. I can't afford a image program at the moment, so the free ones will have to do. Plus I have a nice tablet.
As you can see from my last sketch I'm working on my werecat a bit. I've been developing a WereCat character named Sara for several years now. I started writing a book staring her, and depending on where my inspiration takes me, I've considered making it a comic.