First post :O

Jun 17, 2009 17:21

I guess I should actually post something. I've had this account for ages but never really used it. At all. Hence the one icon and no posts, amirite? Anyway, just a note, I can do some art but

a. It's not that great and is always in pencil
b. I can't draw men. I fail at it. So if you want me to draw a male character prepare for some genderbending, yes?
c. I can't draw kissing either. I've tried but it sucks.

Other than that my current obsession is nu!Trek. Chances are I will be obsessed for another few weeks atleast, maybe a few months, then it'll fade for a while, and most likely it'll resurface a few months later. If it works anything like my other obsessions.

I've been trying to get some old!trek but I can't since I'm visiting family and my brother gets uber-pissed if I use his computer to watch episodes online ("DO YOU WANT THE FBI ARRESTING ME FOR PIRATED MATERIAL SARAH!")

He's paranoid.

Also, I wrote my first fic since my Mary-Sue days in the star trek kink meme. If your interested let me know and I'll post a link, yes?

Anyway, see you later, bitches.

brother, art, fanfic, star trek

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