Well that was awkward.

Nov 06, 2010 11:31

Mom is asking me a question from upstairs. Stepdad is there too, and he asks how my night went (I went out with friends for Book Club). He then made some comments that made me rather uncomfortable. "Barnes and Noble? Is that where homosexuals go?" (can't be assed to correct him on my sexuality anymore) and such. He was joking around, but again, I was quite uncomfortable. As I walked away, my mom started explaining to him that he was being a bit offensive.

So he apologized.

By saying he was just joking and that he has gay friends.

I don't care if he has gay friends, jfc, it doesn't make things he says less offensive.

Also he wants me to meet a lesbian friend of his who "can't find a partner in Idaho Falls, so she's having a hard time." I don't know how he meant that to come across, but it came across as "here let me set you up with someone."

family, lgbt, awkward turtle, wtfery

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