Jun 18, 2011 07:57
Not looking good on the job market. I'm referring to April 26 and May 10th post. Being an electronic tech makes it hard as there are so many of us now. For many years electronics was pushed it is full now. Someone in our HR department went over my resume' and made some changes but overall she liked it so that is good to go. So I am stuck now with saving money big time. I have to cut out going to conventions and fairs as they are high cost. It will take a lot of money if I have to move from Whidbey Island, WA to Kansas City, KS by Aug. 30th, at least that's when the office in Kirkland closes. I will have to rent a house there paying first and last while still having this one and get public storage for the extra stuff. Then drive my truck and trailer or rent a Uhaul along with the cost of gas. If I don't move then it's unemployment. Not a good time to go unemployed as I am not finding a job even right now so I can stay here. Another friend of mine got in a pickle when she lost her job at a hotel and thought she was going to have to move for a new one, but she was in-state. Fortunately she got a new job in the same town simply walking in and asking. I wish I could do that but in my line of work you apply on-line only. I once before tried a walk-in and was told to apply on line rather rudely. Will have to look into doing something different I guess.