
Jul 28, 2012 07:57

Last night I began thinking of writing a manifesto. There are so many things I have to complain about. Also, very many things to be thankful for now that I think about it. I was watching Louis CK last night and I thought it was pretty interesting because he brought up something very interesting about life. Even if you meet someone that you love and cherish and you even argue well, that person will still die on you at some point and you'll be left alone awaiting the same fate and that's the best possible scenario. I'm glad that I don't really think of it that way, but honestly, I think I'm starting to.

There are a few groups of people specific to my generation that I really feel I belong to and what's unfortunate is that I don't know enough of them. I belong to a generation of men that was not really taught how to be men, so some of us run around getting tattooed and working out thinking it will give us the appearance of being a man, but not really knowing what the fuck to do on the inside, we're scared. I'm also a part of a group specific to my generation that is well educated, but somehow, none of us have good jobs. Ash is really the only one I know that has a fantastic job that she totally deserves. (Ash is my neighbor, I think I've mentioned her on here before, and she works as a digital promotion person at Interscope Records, one of the highest ranking, prestigious records labels currently). So here we all are with our busload of knowledge and not much experience, travelling around trying really really hard to find anything that's not an unpaid internship. I also belong to a group of young men who were not told how to really talk to a woman when we get older. How to walk up to her in a bar and just hold a conversation. These are all things that I'm having to learn from books now that I am an adult. Unfortunately, I cannot just sit down at the lunch table with people anymore. I have to actually go out of my way to meet them and then go out of my way to find ways to spend time with them and then maybe I'll have a new friend. It's a weird world out there.

I'm currently working on becoming a photo assistant. I want to be radically excited about my job, not radically disappointed. I want to feel happy and at least somewhat fulfilled or glad that I have the job I have. It's sort of that way at LaMill. I like the people I work with, I like the product we sell and I even like the space we do all that stuff in. I like that it's not corporate, and has a family feel to it. I've been emailing with Andrew Southam, this photographer that I really admire and have admired for a few months since I discovered his work, and I might be working with him soon! I really look forward to something like that. I would love to be his assistant. I don't know what he's like in real life, so we will have to see, but I think we can hopefully get along pretty well. I am also now in with two other photographers that have emailed me back, Brian Higbee and Mallory Morrison who I can potentially assist with. Also Jill Roy from 3 Star Productions has been emailing me so I hope she can throw me onto something here pretty soon. I have to go to LAMILL now so I'll talk more later. I have a manifesto to write ;)
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