Sep 27, 2005 15:16
>Do you like pigs? yes! they're cute.
>When was the last time you got your nails done? 2 weeks ago
>Do you work in a factory? hi. my name is joe. i work in a chocolate factory. i have a wife and a job and a family. one day, my boss said, "hi joe, are you busy?" i said "no." he said, "do this."
>If you gave birth to a baby boy right this second, what would you name him? james?
>Do you enjoy watching Disney movies? some of them, yeah!
>Do you go hunting? nope
>What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? um... i don't know. i love it all.
>Is Lindsay Lohan hot? she was so cute when she was 11. now she's just... a whore.
>What color are your favorite pair of socks? orange
>Do you really "participate" in gym class? ...i would if i had gym.
>What's the absolute WORST thing that's ever happened to you? er... there are several that are tied. but i've had a pretty good life so far actually.
>Is The Sims an amusing game to you? chyeah! but it can be scary. when they die i feel like crying.
>Are skateboarders annoying or hot? depends on the guy, obviously. mostly hot.
>How many friends do you have that you have to pay long distance to talk to? like 15!
>Can you play the piano, and well? yep
>Aren't chores boring? they're not boring; they're just unpleasant.
>Does your mom make you do chores? yes?
>Are snakes gross? heck no!
>Do you go to church? yes i do
>How many lights are in your room? 4, with a broken one too.
>How often do you order something from a catalog? never.
>Have you ever been on a boat? yes
>Do you take any medications? not regularly
>Is Lilly an ugly name? i like it better with one L
>Do you prefer mechanical pencils or the regular ones that you have to sharpen? either one, really.
>Is your car old? no
>Have you seen the movie Saved? yep.. funny movie.. but kind of trashy.
>Do you know anyone who sounds like Austin Powers? I WISH!
>When was the last time you had a cold? um... months ago
>Is money really worth anything? obviously. but it doesn't buy you happiness.
>Are fat people disgusting? wtf? no!
>Would you consider yourself artistic? i think so, yes
>Are you aware that Albert Einstein is dead? haha... that's funny... wait are you serious?
>Are you scared to look in to mirrors? no...
>Have you ever stolen from a friend? i don't think so, no.
>Light a match and watch it gleam. Was it pretty? -does it in her mind- yes, it was.
>If I told you to jump of a bridge, would you? definitely... -blinks-
>Are overly happy people annoying? no! well, none that i've met.
>Is the Atlantic Ocean better than the Pacific Ocean? nope.
>Are you in (a) band? nope
>Who is the nicest person you know? um... stephen probably.
>Do you like coffee? yes but i don't drink it
>Have you ever visited Washington, DC? nope
>Do you spend most of your time on the internet? heck yes
>Are you wearing a purple shirt? nope; yellow.
>Is your birthday in March? nope.
>Do you use facial moisturizer? yes
>Are Puffs a more desirable brand of tissue than Kleenex? nope. kleenex will rule the world someday
>Do you enjoy cooking? not particularly, no
>Are you well paid? you tell me.
>What is the most beautiful place in the world? nauvoo.
>Do you have allergies? yes
>Is Mickey Mouse's voice annoying? after a while, yes, it gets annoying.
>Have many people complimented you today? um... one or two
>Is your daily routine boring? YES!
>Are people too friendly? um... no...
>Do you eat caviar on a regular basis? haha.. nope.
>Is this survey very random? as random as they come, i think.
>Is "wowzer" a stupid word? it's an AWESOME word!
>Walk up to the first person you see, and call them a hillbilly. What is their reaction? she giggled and said "thank you"
>What song did you last listen to? um... i listened to myself singing "come fly with me" .. lol.. if that counts.
>Quote your favorite line? out of the song? um... "in llama land, there's a one man band who will toot his flute for you." lol it's just fun to sing that part.
>What does your hair look like right now? shaggy and spikey and long. i need a haircut.
>How many people do you know that have asthma? like 5
>Is there a swing set in your backyard? no siree
>What is your favorite color? orange
>Did you ever consider being a doctor as a career? no... people's bodies freak me out.
>Is you were going shopping right this second, what would you buy? um... a shirt or a skirt.
>What is your favorite smiley? 8)
>Do you have a personal site? um...
>Are you a disgrace? i hope not
>Can you describe your favorite pair of jeans that you own? well, they're blue and comfortable and they move with me, and they have a fuzzy seam on the leg from where i ripped it sledding this year.
>Currently, do you have any serious medical problems? i don't think so
>Who is the hottest person you know? um... probably aaron, haha... all the gay guys definitely agree.
>What are you going to do now? get a drink. hmm.. i'm 99 percent sure i'm parched. i need a cola.