Flock deadlines approaching - May 31, 2013

May 23, 2013 16:53

The call for talks (and workshops/sprints/hackfests) for Flock 2013 is due to close on May 31, 2013. We've got some great submissions already, but we really would love some more.

Flock is your chance to present your project or your ideas to the Fedora Community for consideration. Think we should do something differently? This is the forum to do that. Want to influence the future for releases like Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS? It happens in Fedora first. Want to teach others how to do something in Fedora? Propose a workshop. Want to build something new for Fedora? Lead a hackfest!

It is easy and cheap to complain about something, but it is more worthwhile to contribute to solving a problem or making something better. Flock is that chance, and we need you!

To register: http://register.flocktofedora.org/new
To propose a talk/workshop/hackfest: http://register.flocktofedora.org/submit_proposal

For more details on Flock: http://flocktofedora.org/
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