i want to revive lj so badly!! spring break 08

Apr 13, 2008 21:39

hello. i was just reading old LJ entries and i decided that i really want to revive lj. it provided me with an outlet for my emotions AND is really helpful for when jon is like "how long did it take me to kiss you?" and im like "um it was either 3 months or 1 month... hey let me check lj!" and then i went and looked it up and it turns out it was on february 26th.... 1 month and 12 days after. but yeah so stuff like that! and its just so cute to read some of the things... even though im not gonna lie some of the things i was like wow i was SUCH an immature idiot i dont know why people were friends with me! lol.

and i updated for three freaking updates about the band trip where carlos asked me out... and he was making it really romantic and i was the one who kept on fucking shit up... so u know yeah.

so let me see what is some stuff about right this second that i might want to remember? a LOT of emotional stuff has been happening to me lately that i will NOT write in this public thing! but im not going to make this private because the whole point is to be like hey. remember lj? yeah.

so um this week was spring break but it was kinda boring because the guard was in ohio for world champs... saturday was guard championships (i swear to god, if i didnt write this entry, lj would mention NOTHING about me being on guard! seriously...) yeah im IN guard now hi. well was. the seasons over lol. and it was a really great experience and the only regrets i have about the season is not practicing more and having my worst show ever at championships. but like overall it was really fun and spinning was fun and i grew muscles :) ask jon he is impressed with my biceps :) they are unexpected cuz im little so its cool. its like when you realize becca has biceps and you are like woah, what?! but hers are like quadruple the size of mine!! cuz shes ridic. lol. buttt yea. all the guard girls muscles are ridic.

so yea then after championships we went out to dinner and then marissas meds wore off and i REALLY REALLY wanted to sleep over her house cuz she is hilarious when she gets like that. like, dont get me wrong, i love hanging out with marissa whether shes on drugs or not (ironically being on drugs makes her not crazy...!) but yea its funny when she goes crazy! so yea then that happened that was saturday

then sunday we hung out and went to lunch w/ her fam and went shopping which was fun... and i stayed at her house all day until like 11 oclock i was planning on leaving... but it was POURRRING and like there were flood warnings on tv and stuff and my dad called and asked me if i was leaving and i told him that i would leave when the rain stopped. but then we like looked up the weather forecast and it said that there were flood warnings until 2 in the morning... which is CURRENTLY past my curfew (BUT NOT FOR LONG CUZ IM GONNA BE 18 IN 3 DAYS YAY YAY YAY!) but yeah. so then marissa asked her mom if i could sleepover another night and she said that she probably wouldnt have let me out of the house anyway. i <3 rona. always lookin out for me. so then i slept over another night in a row!! and in the morning when i left (it was early cuz marissa had practice at like 8 or something like that) marissa was like have u ever done that before? and like i slept over her house once for a whole weekend when my parents werent there and one time erica stayed with us for the weekend but ive never like spontaneously slept over someones house 2 days in a row lol... marissa said that i think we've had a time when she slept over one night and then i slept over her house the next or something like that... but whatever it was fun!

um i went to their practice later that day and then devon was like jokingly hey u want to go to ohio? and im like helll yea but then she was being serious... like she bought a ticket for mr white in case he wanted to go and they had a bus seat and hotel room and i would only have to pay for air fare and like food... and i was getting really excited but then i remembered oh wait my parents still control my life and they most likely wont let me go... but they actually considered it which was cool but eventually concluded that it was too much money to spend for something that i wasnt even in and it would be for the whole break and it wasnt worth it and stuff. and i can see their point and in retrospect i think its better that i didnt go. for many reasons. the main one being what i did on friday and saturday :)

wednesday and thursday i moped around for the whole day cuz i had nothing to do. i like tried to contact some people but no one texted me back so then im like ok ill just chill. oh but on wednesday for an hour in the middle of the day i went to fau to see jon :) and we ate lunch together and then we sat on a bench outside under this GINORMOUSSSS tree. which we both want to climb some day. oh let me just say that i love jon a lotttt! i think that is a very important thing to say on the first lj entry back from the dead (? hopefully! possible revival in the future lol)

so friday during the day i moped for a little but then my sister wanted to go to hot topic and thats in the boynton mall so my mom drove us there and it was so funny they like didnt want to talk to the people cuz they were all u know pierced and hair died and this one guy had the HUGESSST mohawk ever it was ridic! lol so yea then alexa got like some pants or something. oh! and the coolest thing! ok so i need to get long sleeve shirts cuz its gonna be cold in evanston at northestern... so this place has like a clearance rack (we went into like a million stores) and i decide to get 4 shirts... so we get to the register and my mom guessed that i was going to cost 20 dollars. alexa guessed 40 so i guessed 30. so the lady starts ringing it up... the first shirt is 1.88... the next shirt is 1.88... then the next shirt is 2.50... it was ridic!! the entire thing ended up costing 8.67!!! like no joke! for 4 shirts!! we were soo happy. it was cool.

then for dinner we went out to duffys but i had plans with jon but we were goin to hang out after dinner. but dinner fucking took FOORRREVERR and i was pissed :( cuz i missed jon a lot and i wanted to see him. but when i texted him sorry i thought he was going to be mad but he wasnt! cuz he understood. he WOULD understand, u know? i <33333 him so much my god! lol. anyways. so then i go over his house and we watched wedding crashers and then this AMAZING VENTRILOQUIST (sp?) he was sooo good and funny and hilarious. and then it was like 1ish maybe 12:50 and i went home.

then saturday i woke up and showered and then me and jon went on an all day date!! the only problem was when i got to his house, neither of us had a plan... so what we ended up doing (after a lot of what do u want to do idunno what do YOUU want to do lol) we went fishing in this lake in his neighborhood but we didnt catch anything. then we went to eat lunch at this little italian place and we were the only people in the whole restaurant! so it was good service and we got calzones :) and then we went to see the bank job at this OLD PEOPLE MOVIE THEATER! everyone in there was sooo so old. oh and omfg the funniest thing! ok so we go into the theater and there are old people all around us and these people cannot decide where to sit! the wife is all like complaining so then she sits somewhere, and all the people they are with move, and then she makes a comment like this is too close! and then they all move again... so then they decide to split up and of course half of them sit in front of me and jon RIGHTTT in front of us and half sit behind us so now were like literally directly surrounded by old people. so then i was like jon remember that time when we were sitting at the back of sunrise and this old man just came and sat RIGHT next to you? and then we pretended like we had to pee and then we came back in and sat somewhere else? and hes like yeah... u wanna do that? lol and so he was like hey do u want to get some food? and im like yeah so then we leave and wait outside for like 15 seconds and then go sit in the back in the other side of the theater lol. and the movie was good!

so then we leave and i forget that it is going to be light outside still! so then we go back to his house and then we wanted to play his wii but it wasnt working and then his playstation wouldnt work either... it was disappointing. so then it was like 725 and we went to ale house and his brother works there so when he saw us he came over and he hugged me and kissed me on the head!! it was SOO adorable i almost died!! and he did the same thing when we left :) and oh eddie (jon's brother)'s friend was our server and we met kat's sister too and she was cool. oh and they're going out. but they dont like eddie's girlfriend so they were mean to her and then she apparently was bitching to eddie about it lol. and eddie kept on coming out and complaining to us about it! it was so funny.

then me and jon drove to the melting pot and had dessert with my mom dad sister and lisa and britt from alexa's camp. on the way there i told jon that i have one of those crock pot thingys at my house and its dumb to go eat there for the amount of money that it is lol but like my fam is going so we should still go...and while we were there alexa says the SAME thing lol. it was funny. and yeah oh and jon pulled out my chair for me to sit down and my dad like died so later i was like good move jon! lol. oh and brittany kept quoting dane cook all night so then it got me in the mood to watch it. so we went back to jons and watched it and then i borrowed it and went back to my house and watched it again w/ the 3 girls! and then i went to sleep.

today ive been doing work and procrastinating by reading old lj entries and doing rifle spins. i cant believe i went the entire season without like practicing them at all. thats like so bad. but i really really dont want to lose my muscles!! cuz i like them. and im going to lose them if i dont like either work out, or just keep spinning. so i pick spinning lol. ive done so many spins today, like in all... im like really horrible though! espeeeeecially left hand! its so retarded. i wish my left hand was just as good as my right hand, but its not. this morning i couldnt do any spins on it lol but now i can do... well i dont know how many i can do in a row. sometimes its like 8 sometimes its like 30... but then i drop it. and im like shit lol. when i get bored or when i start thinking about something that makes me mad, i go and do 100 spins on each hand. i only break once when i do 100 on the right but the left i break like 4 times... its bad lol. one time i did like 70 something on the right and i was like man im going to get to 100 and its gonna be cool! but then when i started thinking about that i stopped concentrating so i dropped it.

oh and like while i was writing marissa's plane letter to ohio i was thinking about how i wanted to keep doing guard and i was looking for a not-that-good guard in chicagoish to march... but then i realized that i really dont actually want to march guard anymore... what i really want to do is march dci!!! so yea im going to keep working on my tpet playing and then maybe i can actually make something decent... jon's marching boston this summer and it would be so cool if i could march w/ him but (a) i doubt i would make it because im not that good and im a girl lol so theyre already subconsciously biased if not consciously... and (b) he said that he probably isnt going to march next summer. his plan is to march stryke for 2 years and then march a winterguard!! like im not even kidding... jon wants to march guard. i guess chris hand (his big brother in kappa kappa psi his band fraternity) is teaching him how to spin? not sure. i think it would be weird if jon marched guard but thats not me. his dream is to be on northern lights because they are really badass and like... not girly. they are classy. its all guys btw if u didnt know. and they did our favorite show EVER its freakin amazing. lol. so yeah.

i would say thats a pretty legitimate update. hmm that took me a half hour. this week i def. wont have a half hour to update about stuff, cuz i have well tomorrow i have a freakin HUGGGE ass dress rehearsal practice for the play, and then every night for the rest of the week there is a play after school and im in the pit orchestra. but then on friday there is still a play but... WE ARE GOIN TO GRAD NIGHT!!! YESS im sooo fucking excitedddd!! oh and i also got a new camera last tuesday and its the coolest camera ever! its 5 feet drop proof (so its perfect for me since im 5 feet tall lol) and it water proof! as in PROOF PROOF as in i could take it into the ocean with me.

at one point in the date after the movies when we were deciding what to do jon goes "hey, do u want to go to the driving range?" and i like look at him and im like ummmm... ehh... as in no but not saying no so quick. and so then im like hey do u want to go to the beach? and hes like ummm ehh... and im like oh. so the same thing as me lol. and hes like yeah. lol so i didnt get to go to the beach and use my coolio new camera!!

but thats ok. maybe it will rain one day and ill still be able to take pictures which would be cool. YEAH.

the end. love you allll

xoxo JBL

oh yeah and everyone (basically) calls me jbl now. i think like basc the only person who calls me jenna still is ashley. but she kind of like vowed not to call me something else. i think she might be calling me jbl now though im not sure. hmm. and omg so yeah marissa does not call me jbl but the other day when we were in the non-atlanta people room w/ brian she wanted to get my attention and she called me J (or jay? nah, i think i want to spell it J).. not jbl just J. and i didnt answer obvs cuz i didnt know she was talking to me and then she was... and then later she was like yeah ive been wanting to call you that for like 3 weeks and i dont know why! and im like oh ok well that weird! but its cute u can call me that if u want. now ill answer since i know. lol. i dont knwo if she is still calling me that though or if it was like a random 1 week thing. ill text her and ask her lol.

oh i love text messaging by the way. a lot. mr difiglio says that (a) it can give u cancer cuz of the radiation and (b) now cell phones are a medical addiction.

i really really really hope that i do not get cancer because of my cell phone because i keep it in my pocket like 24/7 or near me and i sleep w/ it next to my head.... so yea thats bad and i am pretty sure i am definitely addicted to it... not really talking on the phone but the text messaging. i feel like i always need to (a) be in constant contact with marissa and jon and (b) have the capability to get in contact with anyone that i want whenever i want. for example yesterday i forgot to take the dvd from jons house that i wanted and so i had to turn around and go get it and i called him to let him know i was coming back and he didnt answer... so i kept calling him cuz i like dont even know what his house phone number is if he had one and i didnt want to go to the door cuz... well frankly his dad scares me and i thought he would get mad lol. so i ended up calling jon like 20 times... and that is not an exaggeration i think it might have been 18. so actually it was a LITTLE bit of an exaggeration but not like a hyperbole sized exaggeration. but yeah so finally he picked up and he was like ah sorry i was getting ready for bed! lol. so then he came out and gave it to me. and a kiss :) of course.


:) remember when i used to write THE NED? the ned. lol.

oh and i really dont want to go to school tomorrow. but writing that made me remember that break wasnt actually that bad :)
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