
Jul 31, 2007 03:07

haha my last update was like... in school. as previously state, LJ is basically dead. and it wont make a comeback, at least for me, because it takes like an hour for me to update what i want to say, and i dont have an hour of time to devote to something that isnt school or band related. which is a sad sad thing cuz im a teenager and im supposed to like have fun and stuff. but its okay. so oh my god i have to write about what ive been doing all summer? hmm. alright.

- palm beach county jazz camp... best week ever!! basically me and jon went together with his 8th grade neighbor william (he's british... cool kid) and dan was there and kayla and brad and those were the only tpets i knew... and there were like auditions and stuff the first day so that was cool. and. coincidentally.... we were the 5 tpets in the top band!!! very fun. before auditions jon said that if we all made it into the top band he'd do a dance... i dont think he ever did that dance! lol. brian wezalowski (SPELLING!!! AH!!) was our director and he was basically... awesome. and kayla did an improv tap dance solo in one of our songs! and i played lead on a song :) which went fairly well i think. yep yep yep funnnnn stuff!

- FSU band camp... super awesome!!! me ashley emmy becca and alex g hangin out for 2 weeks straight. the 4 girls were in one room and alex was in a room w/ joey and matt (who were gay) and john mackenzie (who wasnt gay, in fact he had a gf). but a lot of people thought alex and john were both gay haha cuz they just acted that way. cuz its funny. me emmy and becca were all in the same band and john too so that was fun. and yet again this proved that trumpets are always the coolest section in every band that ive been in. so. yeah. we were awesome. oh and btw dr. schwindt was our conductor the first week and he was freaking amazing he changed my life. and dr. plack was our conductor the 2nd week and he was like good, but he didnt command and gain respect like dr. schwindt did. fun fun times!

- 5 states in 4 days!... yep we did it folks. went from florida to chicago to visit northwestern. LOVED. IT. LOVED IT! i am seriously considering applying early decision there. UF is my 2nd choice though then UM. anyways. then the next day we went to pennsylvania to visit penn... not impressive to me but im still applying there. then we drove o new jersey to visit my cousin and aunt and uncle (my other cousins were @ camps or summer programs) so me and dan bonded so that was cool. we watched wedding crashers and played ping pong. fun stuff. then the next day we drove to new york to visit alexa at camp! usually i hate going because we stay in this super crappy "inn" and like theres no air conditioning or tv and the shower sucks and theres no phones or phone service and its just like all bad. but a new hotel just opened 5 weeks before we came! and it was AMAZING! it wasnt even like finished completely but it had everything we could ever want and yeah. it was great. then we went to see alexa and she was in a play called 'the unsinkable molly brown.' she was molly brown!!! good job to her for getting the lead. and she was great even though she was SUPER nervous about her lines and her voice was basically lost but when she sings you cant even tell. yep fun stuff. oh and i got to hang w/ lana, misha, and ashd oh and lisa of course! so that was fun. yep yep yep.

- college planning... so basically my mom thought it'd be a great idea for me to get a college counseling service. you have one lady, judi, who helps you choose what colleges to apply to and helps you write your resume. then you have this other lady, shelley, who you brainstorm ideas for essays with and then you write them and then you bring them in or email them, and the two of you go over the essays and make them sound great! its so mentally draining though when i come out of there im like blech. i am NOT conditioned for school AT ALL lol. good thing i still have 2 and a half weeks...

- summer reading... finished the awakening, i thought it was a terribly boring book and that i got the point in the first like page. how to read literature like a professor is witty, but i didnt like writing the chapter summaries, which i havent even finished all of yet. and i think he gives too many examples. like i believe him already, since our teachers are making us read it for summer reading, so he really doesnt have to prove his points to me as much as he would to someone else. but yea overall better. then im reading gullivers travels which i just found out today ashley is also reading which sucks because i cant talk to her about my book! and i like talking to her about my book lol. but yeah i hope its great cuz i need to finish it this week!!! ideally of course. psh like thats gonna happen.

- tpets... so basically we had our marching practice last wednesday... i was really looking forward to the tpets being awesome and like listening... but apparently they suck. and it was really disappointing to hear that cuz like i cant see them when were in block cuz theyre supposed to be looking @ me not the other way around... but like yeah denny pointed us out twice and it pissed the crap out of me... hold your stupid horns up freshmen! mind over body! its not that hard!! pull your hips back! maybe even the horn angles i could deal with because that is actually a lack of muscle and you have to build it up so you should be hurting. but the body posture? thats not painful so you should just do it. all the time. JEEZ! frustrating.

it's pretty late... its 3:26!!! there is a lot of stuff i ahvent said lol maybe ill try to list a little...
- Boca Helping Hands
- Tiffany's party (jon grilled and emmy and i broke the trampoline and we swam a lot and got cut up by the slip n slide... um yeah thats basically it. oh and i got really frustrated with evan @ last word. fun stuff)
- ddr (i just played ps2 for 3 hours... from 11:45 to 2:45! lol while my parents were sleeping. it was fun. i hope i didnt wake them though)
- pandora (i found this really cool online radio where you make your own radio station with all the music you like! and then using that music they suggest other songs you may like according to what other music u said u liked. mmhmm very cool. and u can listen to other peoples too. and you can make up to 100 stations. ! go check it out!)

alrighty so i'm done w/ that!! and im going to sleep because its 3:30 in the morning. cuz i am le tired. well chayve a naype. zen fayre zee missaylz!!! haha end of world. gotta love it.
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