Updates and *shocker* a decorating question!

Apr 10, 2014 16:20

Alright so after OVER two weeks since the job interview I heard back. They want me back in next week for a third and FINAL behavioral panel team interview. SHEESH. But in an email I was told I was one of the "top candidates" not counting my chickens before they hatch, but cautiously optimistic. Ready for a new challenge. Now to find another interview outfit! ;)

Alright as for the house, I have a bit of a decorating conundrum. Me and my little OC house here :p Our bottom floor is this long skinny "great room." This picture is taken from the living area, its a larger space but there is this awkward central area to the right is actually the entry way and stairs.

I originally did not want to put a table here but meh, I did. But now the table I ordered is WAY backordered. I got the chairs and the table is not to come until like June 1. Nope. So here are my current backups:

Husbands choice:
- glass top because he thinks it will keep the area looking more open

My Choice:
- I joke that I need a place to hide in an earthquake :p and glass just freaks me out!

I should have added a pic of our living room couch, its a light grey, the kitchen backsplash will be a white marble and we have yet to add pendant lights or anything. Obviously staying in the greys/ creams/ whites/ silvers. Nothing exciting...

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