Oct 22, 2007 10:38
so my weekend was pretty much amazing.
Beep came out and we sat on our butts and did nothing. it was pretty amazing. lol I loved getting to be iwth just him for an entire weekend. It made me feel like home. I can act like i do at home around him, which is totally retarded. lol i feel like i didnt even get a weekend though. ugh it went so fast. I slept sooo much this weekend too..... and i went to bed at like 1030 last night. hahah iw as suppose to hang out with chris when he got off work but that was at like 1120... haha that didnt happen. =)
So, my roommate and i, on average say about 20 words to eachother everyday. lol
Its pretty awesome. I have nothing constructive to say to her and i dont care what she has to say to me. yeah. its pretty exciting. lol
i need to do laundry.... i havent in like since school started so what is that sept 24th? hahaha
yes. i do still have clean clothes.
ok, class starts soon.
Peace homes.
With <3 as always,