it's got to stop

Apr 21, 2004 21:06

the never ending losing cycle must end...ok...i've got to stop being bitter and angry and everyone who reads this must help me to accomplish my goal. but according to ashley "i'm too nice to be angry" haha...that's funny..she makes me laugh! so another big L today against Whitman. played ok i guess, but ok doesn't really cut it... that's all there really is to say to that.

on another positive note, we lost powder puff too. against the sophomores no less...but i swear...i was about to burst! god damn!! geez!! i've really got to stop being bitter! it's's all behind us...gaithersburg on saturday...we will win!!!! lindsay, just so u kno, it's good to feed ur pets and don't eat it! so junior banquet's around the corner and it's looking good, still got to get back to me on that...all i can do now is wait... *sigh* (yeah i'm talking to u!) haha..just should be good times tho... need to stop being so crazy...need to stop being so stupid... i am really not that unhappy why am i complaining? i don't kno..i'm gonna stop now

thank u jennie for once again coming to our game!!! i love u!!! and not being able to come to powder puff but donating money to us...i love u jennie ur so awesome!! i'm gonna end toady on a happy note...that's everyone for being there during my bitter and angry means a lot!
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