ok..so i LOVE socker boppers...fine knock off..but whatever! soo much fun!!!
to start off...drove in the tornado yesterday and did not get sucked up, very proud of my self...the punisher a very strange movie..but i must say he was very pretty...i think barga was a little uncomfortable by our converstations..oh well, he liked it...oh yeah carmen's too...so good..i like__?? I LOVE! hehehe...lookie i'm eating!!! i wanna see heath!!!! ok so the float is looking awesome! i think so, i like the carpet...yay for pavlov...my mouth is drooling...
i just needed to share that pic
ohh..btw i love these guys..my friends are awesome...those that i see anyway..*sigh* oh well...i guess i'll just try to get over it...soooo today was awesome! i really needed it..thanks chels, so erin and andrew willingly allowed us to get those awesome things..we set up a ring and went at it!!! btw if anyone's keeping score..i'm def winning, but we'll keep a running tally...
that one too...and so it begins...
AND speaking of winning...i beat michael barga at pool just the other day..i felt quite accomplished..just wanted to mention it...hehe..oh yeah so "I JUST CAN"T WAIT TO BE KING" can anyone tell i'm in a really HYPER mood...the movie just wouldn't have done this justice...ahhh more rambling...so andrew prob thinks we're crazy..but i don't care..i'm excited for hc now..yay..ok so weekly fight club..who's in?? chelsea??? erin??? i kno u want to?? andrew??? hehe....ok so i'm pretty much done rambling for now...eeekk....****SQUEE**** chelsea lookie!!!! and btw again..i hate U2..you too?? you two?? oh damn...ok i'll stop now..bye byeeeeeee
**OOHHH and by the by...i played DDR today for the first time in like 6 months..and it was A-MAZ-ING...i love it..it was fun, i had fun tonite, i also had A LOT, a lot a lot of ENERGY..okie all done**