Dec 20, 2004 02:38
Holy Hell i found my journal again well about a week ago i made another journal because i couldn't fine this one aint i lucky? ok so anywho i was just reading past journals and thinking how stupid i am! oh well we all have those times in our lives dont we? what was i thinking? ok so i just got done with my first semester of college life at good ol' Monmouth college in like the middle of boo foo egypt and i think i def. failed 2 classes. well not fail but get a C which means that they recomend me retake the course, which i think is kinda stupid but whatever. I really had trouble with the transition but i guess its not as bad as i thought it was at the beginning of the year. Its a lot of freedom and filling time. Thats why i got a job at pizza hut! its kinda shitty but hey its money and at least i am getting of my lazy fat ass and doing something! Next semester i def. have a full load which i am really going to focus on. if i dont do good next semester i am going to transfer to a college by my house so i can focus. I am home for christmas break now, whichj isnt much of a break because the day after christmas we are flying to florida for a basketball tournament and then we have from the 30th to the 2nd off and then we are back at school by ourselves for basketball untill break is over how fun? well at least we get to go to florida which will be super fun hopefully! so i made lots of cool frinds at school i hope they can come home with me sometime my friends from home would love to hang out with them. They would get hit on a lot too lol!
ok well update on good old zach...hes in cali for the marines and shit and we talked a couple times (and i mean like a whole 2 if you can call it that) but he told me he "hated me for what i did" which was hurtful but also kinda funny. He hurt me more then i ever thought possible for me and whatever i am not getting into it but yeah he hates me now so i dont think i am ever going to talk to him again. A part of me still wants him in my life because he was such a big part of my life but on the other hand its kinda good that we dont talk because it would be really hard for me. lol a part of my twisted head kinda thinks he just doesnt want to talk to me because hes scared but whatever...Joey, well were friends even though he barely has time to talk to me on the phone anymore and i guess i will be lucky if i even get to see him over this whole week that i am here but i guess "i better take what i can get" jenny is living in a house with her boyfriend we still talk jessica moved in with her 50 somrething year old boyfriend and i will not comment anymore on that situation ummm beth is in my life but were not as close as we used to be. i dont know what to say about that either.
I made a crap load of new friends over the summer and i cant wait untill i see McIntire on Wed! Luchene got in an accident at his work and fucked his knee up and he is going to be sitting at home for the next 7 months to a year doing shit! McIntire cant wait untill i turn 21 so he can take me to the bar and get me fucked up, lol i told him he doesnt have to take me to the bar to do that!
Ok well i am getting pretty tired so i will try and write back soo and not wait forever to do this again