Mar 26, 2005 21:33
havent added anything new in a while. nothing much has happened really. babe broke her braclet again so we took it to straiths again yesterday and while we were there she found her engagement and wedding ring. how about that. i even found a nice wedding band for me. i need to figure out a good day and a good way to ask her to marry me. i thought i had a good idea, but anything can be improved./ bought a new knife. i lost the other one, i was dissapointed . i really liked it plus my dad bought it for me. so i went out and bought a new one just like it so i wont get caught for it being missing some how. those things are sharp as hell, those carpentry knives. they can split a hair and can stay that sharp for quite a long time . very strong, plus the blades are replaceable, hopefully i keep this one alot longer than the last./ we played a new game with some new friends yesterday, there nice, lynn knew the girl from work so she got to be good friends and ended up we all were going to do couple things now, weve already seen a movie and went bowling.we played taboo, ive been wanting to get that game for quite some time now, and finally ive convinced her to play too, she ended up liking it alot so she bought it so we can play with her parents. it ended up being a tie with 2-2. that was fun./ found ot that my mom is making plans again to redo the house. now that im becoming a carpenter and learning how to build a house from the ground up completly, my parents are planning on having me do all sorts of things, my dad wants me to re shingle the garage this summer, along with trimming out the rest of the interior of the house. and mom wants me to take down a few walls in the bathroom and my bed room and put up new ones to change the size of the rooms, she also wants me to take out a closet and build a new one in her room, that shes planning on giving me eventually. that would be nice to have. a bigger room. lol only thing that stands in our way is my dad, he gets the final say so, and with the way hes been lately who knows what kind of tricks hes got up his sleeve. well i guess that could do for now