Sports Night Rec-Away Daytoday's glee week activity is all about reccing your favorite things within the fandom. Share with us your favorite Sports Night website, your favorite place to get screencaps, your favorite stories, etc
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I'm always a bit iffy about reccing; it's a bit like trying to make up your Top Ten Singles of All Time list, you sweat and labour over it and finally get it posted, and then someone points out that you've missed off Love Will Tear Us Aapart," so you say "Bugger!" and have to start all over again. Only with the added risk of hurting someone's feelings.
That said, here are some of my favourites. SN fandom is and always has been lucky in that it has a very high proportion of excellent writers and, really, I could list pretty much everything. I won't, though.
… and I want to list leiascully's SN fic, too, but I can't see where she hides it.
Those are just the names that jump out at me: there are lots of older stories that set the standard for what we're writing today, there's been a whole slew of new (or, at least, new to me) writers crop up in the past few months, and there are many, many other writers every bit as good but far less prolific - some, if not all of whom can be found over at snarchive for your comfort and convenience.
Although I'm always reluctant to choose favourites, there is one particular fic that always sticks in my mind and stands out from the rest, perhaps because it's so different from anything else in the canon. It's Weekend by raietta, in which Lisa and Casey get their wires crossed, Charlie falls through the cracks, and Dan is there to catch him (mixed metaphors R me, apparently), and it is, simply, marvellous.
That said, here are some of my favourites. SN fandom is and always has been lucky in that it has a very high proportion of excellent writers and, really, I could list pretty much everything. I won't, though.
lordessrenegade's website;
catwalksalone's website;
out_there's website;
laylee's fanfic (in her LJ memories);
quiesce's SN fanfic (on LJ);
… and I want to list leiascully's SN fic, too, but I can't see where she hides it.
Those are just the names that jump out at me: there are lots of older stories that set the standard for what we're writing today, there's been a whole slew of new (or, at least, new to me) writers crop up in the past few months, and there are many, many other writers every bit as good but far less prolific - some, if not all of whom can be found over at snarchive for your comfort and convenience.
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