Hello. :) I'm new to this fandom; I used to watch the show when it was originally on TV in the late '80s, but I haven't thought much about it until just recently when my sister dangled some Netflix DVDs in front of me and, oh, I've fallen for it like a ton of bricks. The particular focus of my newly rekindled fannish obsession seems to be Frank and Vinnie's push-pull friendship, but I'm pretty much enthralled with all the characters and the show's tight, fun writing. For my first offering, I come bearing fic. *offers*
The DanceWord Count: 3000
Rating: PG
Pairing: References to Frank/Lilla; mostly gen
Summary: The truth hovers on Dan's tongue: He's gone to kill a man for you, kid. Missing scene for 1x16, "Not For Nothing": what happened at the hospital after Frank left chasing Baglia.
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