Oct 28, 2006 23:28
I just thought I would write a quick review on the film "Rushmore". I'm not worried about grammar right now...more like the content. Feedback would be cool. Thanks.
Rushmore (1998)
Directed by: Wes Anderson
Written by: Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson
[Introducing his play "Heaven and Hell"]
Max Fischer: Also, you'll find a pair of safety glasses and some earplugs under your seats. Please feel free to use them.
Max Fischer. A 15 year old, Rushmore academy, student. He runs the fencing team, debate team, french club, bee-keeping club, The Max Fishcer Players, etc. However, he is doing horribly in his academics and ends up getting expelled. He ends up falling for a 1st grade teacher.....and so does his friend, a steel tycoon named Herman Blume (Bill Murray). The majority of the movie relies on the character development of these three main characters and the love triangle they are entwiddled in.
Wes Anderson is a very creative director....and a great director at that. His stlye helps push the movie along, using very short scenes (minus some towards the end) and great indie rock music. Owen Wilson, a close friend of Wes, helped him write the motion picture. The dialogue in the motion picture is fantastic. This movie is a comedy, not a drama. Yet, this movie won't have you belting out loud with laughter, more like keep your face smiling the whole time. Anderson makes dry comedies and is not afraid to get away from his formula to much (Life Aquatic...he does take a weird turn).
Acting is superb all around. Jason Schwartzman, as Max Fischer, is brilliant and steals the show (yes, even from Bill Murray). The way he portrays the very intelligent Fischer is remarkable. Thanks to Scwartzman's illustration, the viewer can really get a feel for who Fischer is and what is important to him. Grades are not, yet the love is what he lingers for. Fischer is a playwright, who writes plays for Rushmore and his new public high school. In fact, he got into Rushmore based on his playwriting abilities.
Max: "do you remember how i got into rushmore?"
Rushmore Principal: "yes, you wrote a play"
Max: "that's right...second grade, a little one-act about watergate"
The way Schwartzman delivers the lines of Max Fischer is fascinating. Period. Olivia Williams as the 1st grade teacher, is lacking a little. She seems to be a very pale and confused character. Williams doesn't tend to send much spark in her character. When talking about her loss of love (dead husband), she does not act very convincing of her character. Some may say that her character is not supposed to feel grief, yet I would argue otherwise. Of course she is not supposed to sob on scene, but when Fischer corrects her that her husband is dead...she says her next lines with little emotion. Come on Olivia, feel the passion! he just corrected you that your husband is dead. Maybe it was an error in the writing, but I feel Olivia's performance paled in comparasion to Murray and Schwartzman.
The film has some dark elements but for some reason, Anderson and Owen decided not to dive too deep into those realms. Maybe the movie would have benefited from some darker plot of a High School student but they obviously saw it best as fit. Our character drinks some alcohol at a restaurant with the other main characters but that's to the extent of the alcohol present. Maybe a downward spiral theme attached to alcohol and sex...and then a change of ways resulting in his final character.
The movie is very enjoyable and a great comedy. This film will not appeal to everyone, as it is dry. But I love dry comedies and brilliant writing...so I loved it. The movie is centered around a high school student who is just plain old cool. Not a jock or a science nerd. A kid who is involved in lots of extra-curricular activies, does bad in his academics, pursues a 1st grade teacher, and friends with steel tycoon Bill Murray. The movie is based on the theme of dreams....and how one approaches those dreams. Do we do nothing and continue with our ordinary days? Or do we take chances and live life with risks?
Herman Blume: What's the secret, Max?
Max Fischer: The secret?
Herman Blume: Yeah, you seem to have it pretty figured out.
Max Fischer: The secret, I don't know... I guess you've just gotta find something you love to do and then... do it for the rest of your life. For me, it's going to Rushmore.
so yeah, that's my quick review. I know it is pretty sloppy, but what do you expect, I am 17 years old. I haven't re-read this yet but I think I may have drifted too far from point sometimes and got sidetracked. Whatever. For those that read, thanks.