Dec 03, 2004 23:54
Friday, the day everyone looks forward to, cause its the weekened and everything is gonna be great.........
so went to school feeling great... thought I looked good...... brought fascinating pictures... they were funny.. .brought up "the goode ole days", tech was sooo much fun today... and lunch.... math and english I wanted to die.... and then school ended.... went to the little group thing... after chasing stephen trying to get sams note I just layed on the floor.... whatever... gentry eventually came over and she looked at my pictures... and then yeah gentry stephen ryan and I rode in the back of GTs truck.. which was awesome her dad kept slamming the breaks and just fucking with us... and after Ryan and Stephen were out it was just Gt and I.... and a duck caller noise thing... in which I blew at ppl walking.. twas funny.... than got online blah. watched madness stuff..... then went to work.... could have just killed prescott and jess because they act so damn immature and annoying.... I swear I was going to rip off their manhood cause they are freaking dumbasses... anyway parental units came home.. talked to Virginia and then showed jess and Prescott madness... and then my sister was a fucking dumbshit and couldnt pick me up... so I walked from V.E.S. road home... and it was fucking cold... and I got honked at from a bunch of guys in some SUV in which I wanted to yell at the FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!! but whatever... think I went halfhypothermic tonight....
welll everyones tired of hearing the same shit over and over again so I'm gonna go take care of things my way.
How come I never hear you say
I just wanna be with you
I guess you never felt that way....