Jun 04, 2005 18:52
so i am laying here bored!! what else is new though really?!!? umm my phone has rang in like forevr...lol...yeah my parents are gone at some banquet or whatever and i am here babysitting my sibs...but no problems so far...i cant wait until the summer!!! ahh i am so excited to leave here...w/o my parents and do what i want with my friends in california...dont like calling it cali....really poserish i think if your really california you should say the name not cali...sorry madd inside..nvm...enough about that ahh i got exams!!! and this kind of sucks becasue in like 3 of my subjects i was not here for the first semester and well what i learned in the begining of school at rogers is what we are learing at the end of school here!! so basically i am screwed!!! swwweeeeett~~ chuyeah.. but i am goning to see what i can do...chuyeah i really want to go to the beach sometime soon before i leave...i think i am in so much denial about many things right now but i am just blowing it off...becasue i just dont care anymore most things in life are just not worth anyhting i mean seriously! idk i am just blabing on...well i am gonna go now and order pizza i will check in later...haters.....