on laguna beach and the nba playoffs

May 06, 2007 12:18

I had a major Laguna Beach marathon - 28 episodes in 24 hours. Thanks to LC, Kristin, and company, I am now significantly DUMBER than I was 24 hours ago. I could seriously feel my braincells melting with every passing minute. And what's worse, I'm talking like Kristin now. It's not even like...a conscious adaptation, I'm actually trying really hard to shake it off! It's ANNOYING! I swear the show is messing with my head.

I still can't decide: is it real or scripted? The drama is crazy! Stephen and Jason are fucking manwhores! Delicious manwhores, but manwhores nonetheles. OMG Jason is SO Colin Farrel's twin it's not even funny. And Kristin is ridiculously beautiful, she looks like a cross between Eva Mendez and Jessica Simpon. I swear stare at her really hard, it's there. And what is up with Jessica being so stupid? And Alex M. being such a fucking hypocrite? And Casey's pokpok prom dress? AND CHRISTINA HAVING SUCH A TERRIBLE VOICE?!?!

If I find out that this whole thing is fake I would be massively pissed. I remember when I was in like grade school or something and I was obssessed with the WWF. My dad would be all "That's fake! Theyr'e acting!" and I'd be like "Wtf of course not! The Ultimate Warrior, Earthquake, Hulk Hogan, Tatanka, Ludwig Borga, Macho Man Randy Savage, Coco B.Ware, the British Bulldog, Superfly Jimmy Snooka, Alundra Blaze, Bret and Owen Hart, Razor Ramone, 123 Kid, Ravishing Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, the Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, the Honky Tonk Man, and The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase are all REAL people with REAL issues! Bob Backlund really thought he could be president!" When I finally had to accept that it was fake, I was utterly devastated. But I still watched. =p I was such a huge fan! When I found out, I think that was the time I started really getting into the NBA.

So Laguna Beach fans, I MUST KNOW. Real or fake? I don't know how they can possibly act naturally with cameras in their faces for 8 whole months. And can people actually be that dumb? If you haven't seen it, DON'T. Hold on to the braincells you have left and put.the.disc.down.

With all that being said: IS THERE A SEASON THREE??

Ok, it's no secret how much I love Jason Kidd (hi, he averaged a triple-double in the first round). The second round is upon us, and my beloved Nets will be facing the Cavs and King James. I don't wanna hate Lebron, so he better not give me a reason to. So did you watch Game 6? It was wild! RJ went berzerk in the last 10 seconds with that incredible basket and THAT STEAL! Insane!!! I am super in love with the team again. And can we talk about the Warriors for a second? How amazing are they?! I feel really bad for poor Dirk, but what can we do. Baron Davis has been nothing short of spectacular the whole season. I don't know who they'll be facing in the second round yet. I will in 4 minutes though. The Jazz currently have the upperhand over the Magic, 90-88 with 4:15 left in the game.

In other news, I had a really weird dream about Mo Twister and Tyra Banks.

What the hell? What the fuck happened?! I was keeping a mental scorecard and the Golden Boy was way ahead!!! He was the agressor right from the get go, and Mayweather was just...there. He only started going wild in the 11th round! HOW STUPID IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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