YOU MUST WATCH BORAT!!! HILARIOUS!!! I watched it with Boo last night and we LOVED it! Kinabag ako for real. After watching we went to Esquinita (10 light years away from my place by Concorde), where I bumped into
monicafrancesca, who was looking exceptionally gorgeous that night (even moreso that usual!). Boo had a bucket of beer all to himself, while I had a lame-ass glass of iced tea. Again. PUTANGINANG RABIES. I had fun though. Boo and I were just bonding the entire night, which worked for me because I've been feeling extremely depressed lately. Boo made everything better. :) LOVE HIM.
I gave him a puppy for our anniversary, and I visited her last night. Her name's Fiona and she's ADORABLE! She's super sweet and smart and just plain all-around wonderful.
Fiona = our panganay.
In other news, I'm being forced to watch Sa Piling Mo for school. I bought the pirated dvd set (for a hundred bucks, gotta love Ruins) and now I'm fucking HOOKED. I want to buy Piolo some eyes. I'm on the 5th episode and I've already cried THRICE. What the fuck.