YAY!!!!!! This has been A VERY GOOD WEEK!!

Feb 07, 2006 20:17

IT'S VERY AMAZING HOW LIFE CAN TURN AROUND. This time last year, I was lonely and poor. Now I have the greatest girlfriend ever (I love you baby), and money will be coming in quickly soon. I found out the amount I will be recieving in taxes back a couple days ago. WOW! I love the IRS! Well, until after i get my check and i will be paying taxes and not getting back for another year. Today... something very big happened in my life.

I GOT PROMOTED AT WORK! I AM THE NEW HEAD CASHIER/FLOOR LEAD! I have been waiting for this a long time. I have moved up in an actual big time company, and did so in only 5 months. I am getting a nice pay raise, and will be back to what I was use to at the palace. Things are different now though. I am a lot stronger and a lot more mature then the old days. I will be handling money more than the managers. I will be getting bounced throughout the day between cashwrap, cafe', and music to take care of things.


Thank you Sarah, for your support and encouragement towards me. You have motivated me to do well in everything I do. I love you to death!
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