Hi, my boyfriend and I started this journal strictly for posting pictures. All posts after this one will be friends only, so if you want to be able to view them, post a comment here with a pic and we'll add you to our friends list. Couples and females with pictures are prefered, meaning we'd like to only add journals that are like this one, after all we do need to get some stimulation (besides our own) out of it too! Comments are nice, but that's what communities are for. Hope to see all you sportfuckers on our friends list soon!
Sorry to anyone who was lurking, we were making some public posts, but our pictures have just been discovered stolen and posted at another site. We can't trust just anyone to lurk here, and we figure if you are posting pictures for us to see in your journal you are less likely to be stealing our pictures.
BTW. We post most of our pics over at
kaizersoze125 so if we don't add you here, sorry but keep an eye on that community =)