Oct 13, 2004 18:16
hey peoples...
today was longgggg...
the psats werent as bad or as hard as i percieved they would be...and thats a good thing...the math sections were easy...basic math...cept i didnt get that one with the traingle in the equation....and i left a few blank...the good thing bout that test was if u left an answer blank u got no points taken off but if u got a wrong answer u got a quarter of a point taken off....the grammar section was simple...i blew through that...the reading sections were the hardest...that one passage on parapsychology got me all confused and i didnt answer some of the questions..but oh well its just practice rightt...
so yeah i had mrs burns for psats...and then another 2 hours of class with her....haha i had her like 5 hours today...it was a killer...during class we reviewed with a weird game where we had to get into groups with the exact number of people for the correct number, which represented a certain culture...it was weird...and then we read this article about the olympics and i just happened to get that one paragraph that jordan got a week or two ago about the athenian men throwing their wives off a cliff..and i laughed for like 30 seconds...but i pulled myself together to actually finish reading it..lol...
after school bri came over and we hung out here...and then we went to amanda's and ate some of those ice pops and sat in her driveway for a while...it was nice...there was a cool breeze and it felt good...haha good times...some of the stuff we talked bout was crazy...i guess we can thank amanda's stoned state for that...heh heh....haha lucky squirrel feet...fat ass nigs in her backseat...hmm and other crazy shit...
then i went with my mom to books a million and i got my george carlin book...its hilarious and im on page 3..heh heh...and then we went to jersey mikes and i got a sub...second one this weekk...yummmm....
anyhoo...i shall do my math now...BYEEE