Oct 12, 2004 17:32
blah day....not that interesting...
1st hour Spanish: turned in homework, slept.
2nd hour Bio: fairly hard test, weird biology video.
4th hour Ecology: really easyyy test, cept i didnt see the essay question at the bottom of the test, so i didnt do it, but besides that i got everything right...then we took more notes....
6th hour Alg 2: writing notes, writing more notes, got assigned two pages of homework...ughhhh...due thursday....hatesmith hatehim hatehim hatehim
yesterday was alright...english was the only cool class though...cause mr beitmen took forever to try and explain our homework...so it was cool..and jordan read her "wonderbread is vulgar" essay and it was awesome and funny...and then me and melissa were making fun of that emily rae girl...shes so hideously weird...its fun to watch her...and then we were sticking post it notes on ben's back-cause we hate the damn jewboy...and this one stuck on there that said "i love my niggas!" and he walked to the front of class to throw something away and a bunch of people read it and then mr beitmen saw it and he laughed and took it off w/o ben knowing and then threw it away...it was funny...he would have gotten beaten down in the halls...lol
history was cool cause we had a cool substitute and at the beginning of class he was like "yeah im mr burns"...and our teacher's name is mrs burns...so we were like "your her husband?"...and hes like "no i had a sex change overnight"...and we were like "well thats a good thing...ur not a fat ass ugly mofo anymore"...and he laughed....but yeah his real name was mr snow or something and then we got to watch that disney movie hercules..interesting stuff...
tonight i actually have no fuckin homework...its been a while...tomorrow we have the psats....i dont kno what those will be like...
waiting for my mother to get back with foooooodddd from jersey mikes...ahh i love that place...
i got an email from jtaa...there starting soccer again finalllyyy...my practice is thursday...
anyhow i think i might do a pencil drawing...its been years..but i want to get back into it cause im good at it and i enjoy it...
so yeahh..have a nice evening...