ahhh...wednesday afternoon...
today was cool...in the academy we had enviroservice day where we go and do work for certain environmental organizations...the group i was with got to plant a bunch of plants in riverbend park and we were knee high in muddy water planting and uprooting weeds and shit...and alot of my friends were in the other groups, however alex, katie, and cate were in my group so i got to hang out with them....one of the other groups got to go to blowing rocks preserve and work in the greenhouse and the other group got to catch juvenile fish with nets and record them and they got stung by a bunch of jellyfish,hehe...when we got back to school we got to wash off in the hose and the rain...that was fun...math was boring, we went over two pages of homework, finally got our huge textbooks, and then next class we have a test...i wish i couldve just gone home after we got back from the academy trip at the end of 4th hour...that would have been good..
the bus on the way home was hell.. i didnt get there till like right b4 the bus driver pulled out cause i was talking to robert, bob, and colin in the courtyard...and so i had to sit on the edge-3 to a seat, and to make matters worse elizabeth forbes decided to sit on the edge of her seat and be the 3rd to her seat- right across the row from me, so she pretty much blocked off the whole aisle...and then the kid that was sitting next to me on the other side, was the kid me and bri see everyday dozing off and so today he was like dozing off and his head rested on my shoulder and that wasnt comfortable...and then will nugent was being an ass like he has been to me since the first day of school.... and so jordan and him and will had made this fun fun book and he like shouted to forbes that i couldnt read it and that just pissed me off...but forbes was nice and let me read it...haha the pic of mr beitman is awesome, whoever drew it was pretty accurate...and the twinkie song is hilarious, and the story about the nigga is pretty funny too...
after school i hung with nicole, amanda, and bri...that was fun...haha nicole, Water Bottle Slippers!!....
then me and my family went to dinner and i got to drive to the pizza place... and i almost hit a Gaut on a bike!!!!...haha it was funny but freaky...then we went to publix and i got some Arizona Iced Tea and cheez-its for myself...and i wanted those Ice Pops but my mom wouldnt let me get em =(....
now i have to find a current event for world history, get jordans present in order, and read my book...A walk to remember is so great...im not done but so far its really good..
the sky is so beautiful...its all pinkish and orangish and stuff...and this song by coldplay is just right for the moment...
anyways...night people...
ahhhh i forgot...i wanted to put some pics on here...check these out...
heres a pic of blowing rocks preserve... i love that place.. that was about a week b4 school starts when i went with my cousin
ahh i like this pic alot...thats bri and i...
theres bri, melissa and i at abacoa last friday...i mustve said something wrong, as melissa has a disgusted face and bri looks like shes repremanding me,lol...
haha dont ask...i was showing them some of my moves..lol...
that pic is freaky,haha..thats nicoles eye and thats amanda being the nice person she is and shielding nicole from the sun...
theres robert... hes a cool kid...
hahaha thats my cat stanley and he's being ambushed by the army and he's obviously winning!...
ahhh and i think thats it!!!