Feb 28, 2010 10:58
Who would have guessed that a few months ago, I just wanted High School Musical to be over with. The pain of losing Kelsi was too much to handle and seeing her recite the lines was just too painful to hear as I was at the read throughs. It felt unjust.
Now, it is over. And what did I think? "Can I fail? I want to be in choir one more year!"
Honestly, last night's performance was amazing. Everything we did was flawless. I rocked the first scene in the mascot outfit, I didn't bump into anybody and I danced and yeah, it's empowering being in an outfit like that. You're faceless and can do whatever you want. ^_^ The lab scene was funny as well, as I jumped up and down trying to get Sharpay in trouble for her cell phone (I was a nerd) and I heard laughter. My personal favorite was the detention scene. Here's some background:
I have these gold things on a table and when Troy and Chad run off, they jostled me. Then one time at night rehershal, Chad (Sammy, my BFF) bumped into me a little too hard and I tripped and fell. Ohrt liked it and told us to keep it. Then, each time he's done it, he pushes me down harder and harder. (Which people think it's an accident, nobody guesses that it's on purpose or they're shocked because I'm so tiny and Sammy's much bigger.. xD) Last night was no exception. He pushed me down and I made a "EEP!" sound as it HURT. I had a pocket dictionary in my back pocket and landed right on that and hurt my knee. I curled into a ball and Sammy ran back and like grabbed my hand and was, "I'm so sorry Chelsea!" On the plus, even as the curtain was shut, people were laughing. :] I'm fine but it was like, "OW!" People's faces: o.o or :O
It was amazing.
So was Status Quo, Courtney dipped me and hurt my middle finger worse but when she picked me up to spin me, that was flawless and I did a perfect spin on my own to the table. It was amazing.
Act two was great on it's own, the Nucleus (in the play, minor characters do some of we're all in this together and I got myself in that scene. Like 9 or 10 scenes total. XD) went awesome. However, I will never forget this moment.
Every sings in Breaking Free and when we spread out clapping, Ohrt was crying at the piano. I started to and couldn't finish the song. Hell, as I was dancing to We're All In This Together in the mascot costume, I was crying.
Nobody ever cries at the musical. But this year, Sammy was, I was, Ohrt was, most of the seniors were and that just set everybody off. As we waited to be called on for curtain call, our side was wimps. We were hugging and crying and it was so sad. The audience gave us a standing ovation as we bowed and I was about to cry again, I was so happy.
I wish Ohrt posted the poem online, as I have a whole stanza to me, and she called me by name, not just the mascot. Everybody was looking at me and I was, ":D ;_;".
HSM was amazing. I never thought I would say it, but I'll miss it. The best experience in my choir years ever. I didn't get what I wanted but I overcame the rejection and became a better person and loved the outcome. I made people laugh and entertained them, and that is the ultimate goal. Things in my life, can only go up from here on out.
To my cast, you were amazing and I love you all. To Ohrt, you are the best director/teacher anybody could ask for and I will miss you and this program forever. The friends I've made are never to be forgotten. Last night will never be forgotten; the memory is too strong to forget. It was, as Darbus would put it, "That was simply brilliant!"
We're All In This Together.