
Oct 16, 2005 14:12

Mike took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!
"Seeks affectionate, satisfying and harmonious rela..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

So, its not all true, but the parts that are true are true. funny how personality tests work... you gloss over the less accurate ones and say "hey, that one fits me to a T! What an amazing test." Of course a personality test will be *mostly* accurate, its a *test.*

But that's not the purpose of this rant. I'm constantly ripping myself apart inside over my current situation. Katie and I showing signs of wear from the long distance relationship, and there's really nothing I can do about it. I could try and find a job down at IU, or translfer to the Kelly school of business, but she won't be there all that much longer at this point, and it would be rather expensive. The ideal thing to do would be to try and find a job near wherever katie goes to graduate school, but she isn't picking one place to aim for, she's picking everywhere, so I can't even fucking TRY until she applies, gets accepted, and accepts in return. That, on top of her lack of confidence in her grades and GRE scores, leaves her situation rather uncertain as well. So what I'm doing for now is going forward with my MBA and looking for a better job than GameStop manager, preferabley something in line with my technical training. Preferabley something kinds close so I'm still within driving distance to IU.

Its maddening being stuck in this kind of rut. I want to try and get my life moving, but can't go anywhere until I know which way Katie goes. Once Katie knows where she'll be after graduating undergrad, I'll have somewhere to focus all this nervous energy... but until then, am I confined to madness?

Katie and I recently decided to move our wedding date up to October 2006 to give us something to work towards. This was something I needed, somewhere to put my nervous energy, and a way to keep in touch with Katie despite the distance. but with all the pressures she's feeling passing the classes on her overloaded schedule, trying to make minimal progress applying to grad school, and new wedding plan on top of that, I don't think Katie's very happy about it. Its basically just another stress in an already stressful life, and its one that she wants to be able to devote her full attention to. I can understand this, but the way she has her life planned, she won't have the time she wants to plan this until after she has her doctorate, and neither of us want to wait that long. I can neither tell her to lighten her schedule or put off grad school a semester so we can plan this, nor tell her that I'll wait until she's "ready," an uncertain term for someone who keeps herself as high strung as a squirrel on meth.

On top of this, none of Katie's friends are very supportive about her getting married. Katie's concerns and their concerns are different, and I won't go into them here, but either way she is not getting the support she needs. Its not that Katie doesn't want to get married, its that working the logistics of it out are too much to deal with right now. I want to go through with it, with my whole heart, no matter where we'll be a year or two from now. I am certain that once she has settled somewhere, I'll be able to focus and find steady employment there so that we can eliminate the maddening distance issue. So the real question is, will we married before living together, or after? And can we keep our heads together long enough to work through this before we go mad?

I hate Live Journal.
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