So Cindy talked shit about me to Chuck, told him I don't leave enough back ups for the morning, particularly this morning, which is a complete fucking lie. The front was full and there was at LEAST one of everything in the back. So he talked to me when I got to work this afternoon, and being both blindsided and a very non-confrontational, conflict hating kind of person, I just went along with it rather than call out the bullshit as well as all the ways she manages to dick me over. Most of the time when I get there I immediately have to start making a bunch of fucking bread, which, for the record, takes about two hours total from start to finish. Half the time there's a bunch of fucking back ups for me and the 4-9 person (now 4-7ish since school started and they're all fucking teenagers) to make, and the bitch is CONSTANTLY leaving me with barely any bread in the kitchen freezer so when I go to fill the retarder I get maybe ten loaves out of the box and then have to go into the fucking deep freezer to get another box. These boxes weigh about 30 lbs. I weigh 110 and have toothpick arms. THANKS, BITCH. I'm not sure if she does this shit just to me or to Mayra, too, but I'm going to find out. Either way, she's nothing but a petty, bitter old woman with permanent bitchface. And she looks like a dude. Captain Phil Harris of the crab fishing boat Cornelia Marie, to be specific. This makes me a sad panda because Phil is awesome and Cindy sucks ass.