(no subject)

Dec 08, 2010 09:54

Dream journal. Lots of 'em.

There was this group of people I knew and they had mentioned something about murdering this girl who was a bit of an annoyance. I really felt they were serious about this but I didn't know if they would go through with it. I decided to not be part of that group when they went for the kill. I stayed in my apartment and waited to see what happened. This blue truck pulled up nearby and apparently it belonged to the chartacter Dexter from the cable network show of the same name. He was going to assist them in the murder. In my apartment waited this one guy, and another guy on the balcony on his computer keeping up on how things would go.

Later on, we got footage of the girl, dead, inside of the truck. It was a short thicker girl who looked filipino.

A few minutes later, the filipino girl with the rest of the group walked into the apartment. Apparently it was a different girl they killed.

Later on, we walk into a Starbucks and that is obviously closed and wait. The filipino girl comes in and goes into the back room meant only for employees.


I was with my boyfriend and he was to meet someone he had never met before. The guy comes, and he is very, very short and very, very old. They seemed to get pretty chummy and I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to get out of here. He got annoyed and said no. I told him I was going to leave, and he seemed happy about it.


Another dream after that was I was going to this restaurant and when we got there, we were taking off our shoes. My friend Tatianna gave me a ride there. After a course of events, this girl came up to me and gave me a hug and told me thank you for helping her through this hard time. Everything about the atmosphere was gloomy. I assumed she was talking about her husband or boyfriend being one of the people involved in the previous dream's murder. The rest of us got up to leave, and I noticed no one was there. I had no way to get home. And my shoes were gone. I later saw Tatianna walking by with my friend Dusty and he waved and they kept walking.
I went into the bathroom and I noticed my hair was a huge, long, clumpy mess. I found a comb and started brushing my hair so it would be a lot more presentable. As I was combing it, I noticed a very large bald patch on the top of my head. I freaked out, left the bathroom, found my shoes, and saw Tatianna and Dusty sitting there and I asked them why no one had told me I was balding.
We sat and talked for a while about stress. Later, these guys were sitting in front of us and told us we needed to leave because they were bothered by the cigarette smoke. The thing is, they were smoking and we were not.
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