Nov 20, 2006 18:09
I never wanted to kick someones ass so bad. True Story.
There's this REALLY annoying child on my bus. He's 13, acts like he's 4. Not exaggerating. He acts like he has a mental disability or something (he doesn't) and he really deserves to have his scrawny ass kicked. Twice.
Not only is he the most annoying fucked up kid on the planet, he's also an asshole (but you can't expect anything else from Carman anyways.). Seriously all he talks about is this "ugly" girl who stares at him. He'll be like "FUCKSAKES THERES THIS UGLY SHIT CALLED CHRISTINA WHO STARES AT ME. FUCKSAKES SHE HAS NO RIGHT TO STARE AT ME :K" and his sister was like "Funny how people are just generally meaner to ugly people.." and he was like "WELL SHE SHOULDNT BE SO FUCKING UGLY!!" Because you know, everyone, given the choice would choose to be ugly. Oh and then everytime I say something and he feels like showing his girlfriend (she's 9 I think.) he can insult a 15 year old he decides to point out my speech impediment and if I wasn't such a wuss I'd kick his ass seriously.
People from Carman are so fucked up. Perhaps I should be grateful that I was born ugly with a speech impediment because maybe otherwise I'd be one of them. And I'd rather be me than a stereotypical carman asshole.