Hmm... today was a DAY.

Sep 07, 2001 02:39

Well, when I first loaded up LJ, I was about to write a nice longwinded post about my failing love life and all that jazz. Especially seeing as how I'd just apparently managed to screw what was probably my best chance at happiness in quite a long time. However, right about then, my chance walked right back in the door, and that post went out the window.

Since then I guess things could be said to be good, although I'm really not sure. I believe I'm in some sort of relationship, although at the moment things seem to be up in the air. However, we have to keep it quiet for now, not because of any ex-'s or current dates, but more because it would definitely... ruffle some feathers if we made ourselves public. I actually agree with this fully cause I'd probably lose a friend or two, and that would be bad, but it makes labels very difficult. Anyway, even if nothing else good comes of all of today, she said she loves me, and that makes everything better.

Bah, why didn't anyone ever tell me relationship-stuffs was so confusing?
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