Looking back

Aug 02, 2005 15:49

So I was looking at this and its resulting drama, and something kind of hit me.

I haven't really changed. Not that much at least. And yet, I *think* I am happier. Odd.

At the time, I thought I was right. Looking back, I know I was probably more wrong than the morons who goaded me into that whole thing.

While we're at it, let's look at some other things.

How I handled my first girlfriend: At the time, I thought I was right. Looking back, hoo boy, what a massive mistake that was. Worst part is, it failed because of my own actions.

Moving out here: At the time, I was FIRMLY entrenched into thinking PA was the best idea ever. Looking back, that was a shortsighted, but still good, decision. Of course, most of the problems here can be generalized to any other person's freshman year.

Pitying myself: Ah, the never ending loop. I know it's wrong but I keep doing it for some reason, in some capacity. I guess this would be one of those intrinsic issues that I can't get out. Won't stop me from trying though. :p

And that's it. Just a few small thoughts. As always, I'll take criticism, etc. That is, if any of you remember this place :p
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