Time started: 10:43 pm
Name: megan
Sex: female
Birthday: april 21, 1983
Sign: tauras
Siblings: 2 half bros, a half sis
Eye color: greenish
Shoe size: my waterskis are like a 10 or 10.5
Height: 5'10
What are you wearing right now: pajamas
Where do you live: grand rapids, mi
Righty or lefty: righty.. but i drive and play pool with my left
Relationships: want one
Fingers: what? i dont get it
Breakfast: cereal
Aftershave/Perfume: burberry, gucci, or dolce and gabbana
Favorite cartoon character: i dont like cartoons!
Have you ever----
Given anyone a bath: no
Bungee Jumped: no
Parasailed: yes
Made yourself throw-up: yes
Gone skinny dipping: yes
Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yes
Eaten a dog biscuit: yes
Got your tongue stuck to a pole: no but ive tried
Loved someone so much it made you cry? yes
Played truth or dare: yes
Been in a physical fight: no
Been in a police car: yes
Been in a sauna: yes
Been in a hot tub: yes
Swam in the ocean: yes
Fallen asleep in school: many times
Ran away?: sorta
Cried when someone died: yes
Flashed someone: yes
Cried in school: yes
Fell off your chair: omg.. all the time
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yes
Saved MSN / AOL / AIM conversations: i have it set to automatically save em all
Saved e-mails: yes
Fallen for your best friend of the opposite sex?: yes
First thing that comes to mind---
Red: bull
Blue: cosby show
Autumn: sucky
Greenland: green
Cat: yuck
Nickel: makes my hands smell
Elbow: gross
What is.. -----------?
Your good luck charm: dont have one
Whats your room like: clean at the moment
Last thing you said: hi.. i left my sweatshirt in the imax theater.. has anyone found it?
What is beside you: purse.. phone.. tv.. parking pass.. dvd.. phone
What kind of shampoo do you use?: i variate
Something that has happened to you this year: i stopped going out so much
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: ive had a pretty good year
Chicken Pox: what a nightmare
Had a Sore Throat: what? yes
Believe in love at first sight?: yes
Like picnics: gosh i dunno.. i dont like the outdoors.. and i like warm food.. maybe if it was at the beach
Like school: no.. but i like the friends and the roomies and the parties
What schools: forest hills central high school, western michigan university, grand valley state university
Would you:
Eat a live hamster: NO!
Go to a hanson concert: sure if its free.. and im crunk
Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars: man thats a lot of money
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: angela
Last person..:
you touched? angela
You massaged: my dog
You Kissed?: angela ahaha
You yelled at: bad drivers
Who broke your heart: ohhh lets not go there
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out: only when im real bored
Do you wear contacts or glasses: contacts.. glasses at night
Do you like yourself: sometimes
Do you get along with your family: yah
Do you do drugs: no
Have piercing below the waist?: no
Obsessive? sometimes
Anorexic?: omg i eat way too much for that
Depressed?: usually not
Final questions-
How many ppl are you sending this to: sending it to?
What are you listening to right now: cosby show
Can you do a front or back flip? no
What did you do yesterday: hung out at angelas cottage with her and her bf and got crunk cause it was her moms bday and went tubing
What is your favorite band: ludacris
Hated someone in your family: used to
Got any awards: yes
Have you ever gone streaking? no
Want to get married: yessssss
What is your favorite video game? wheel of fortune
Good actor: benicio del toro, orlando bloom, johnny depp, tom hanks
Good Singer: there are lots
Have a lava lamp: yes
How many remote controls are in your house: A TON
Are you double jointed: no gross!
What do you dream about: everything
Last time you showered: today
Are you a virgin?: no
The last movie you saw at the theatres: charlie and the chocolate factory
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: gross neither
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: if i had to choose id choose chocolate pudding
Silver or Gold: depends on what yer talking about
Diamond or pearl: diamonds
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
Phone or in person: in person
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: youngest
Do you want your friends to fill this out and send it back?: i really dont care
End Time?: 10:59 pm