ГРУ: Ответка [для] Британии (20 дней назад - долгая отмывка через западные форумы)

Nov 23, 2018 16:44

Простите, что я упоминаю опять Навального, но в списке есть Владимир Ашурков.
Конечно же, без Сутягина тоже не обошлось. И Померанцев тут же. (Браудер и Vadim Kleiner, но это меньше интересно)

(С учетом того, что наши не делают raw-сливы - это очень плохо. Причин объяснять не буду (я не буду здесь критиковать), но, думаю, многим и так понятно о чем я).

(Уши торчат очень сильно. Хотя и отсрочили все перед сливом в СМИ, как могли. Похоже, "качество" и способ связаны именно с тем, что это не для внутреннего потребления совсем. И реэкспорт должен приобрести какие-то иные формы).

Добавлено 25.11.2018 01:50: А вот как это теперь реализуется в России для внутреннего потребления.

We have obtained a large number of documents relating to the activities of the ‘Integrity Initiative’ project that was launched back in the fall of 2015 and funded by the British government. The declared goal of the project is to counteract Russian propaganda and the hybrid warfare of Moscow. Hiding behind benevolent intentions, Britain has in fact created a large-scale information secret service in Europe, the United States and Canada, which consists of representatives of political, military, academic and journalistic communities with the think tank in London at the head of it. ©

As part of the project Britain has time and again intervened into domestic affairs of independent European states. A most demonstrative example is operation ‘Moncloa’ in Spain. Britain set to prevent Pedro Baños from appointment to the post of Director of Spain’s Department of Homeland Security. It took the Spanish cluster of the Integrity Initiative only a few hours to accomplish the task. (Moncloa-Campaign-6-AttTwitter-08-06-18.pdf)

London’s near-term plans to create similar clusters include Latvia, Estonia, Portugal, Sweden, Belgium, Canada, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova, Malta, Czechia, countries of the Middle East and North Africa, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Cyprus, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, and the USA. (Cluster-Roundup-Jul18.pdf)


All the work is done under absolute secrecy via concealed contacts in British embassies, which gives rise to more suspicion that Britain uses plausible excuse to create a global system of information influence and political interference into affairs of other countries.

Covert structures for political and financial manipulative activities under control of British secret services are created not only in the EU countries but also on other continents. In point of fact, quiet colonization of both former British neighbors in the EU and NATO allies is taking place.

* Integrity Initiative Handbook v2.pdf (по России)
* Integrity Initiative Guide to Countering Russian Disinformation May 2018 v1.pdf (по России)


* FCO application form 2017-18.pdf (по России)
* FCO application form 2018 v2.pdf (по России)
* FCO proposal Integrity budget 2017-18.pdf

* Integrity 2018 Activity Budget v3.pdf
* Top 3 deliverables (for FCO).pdf

Список по России цитатой из UK-Cluster.pdf (см. Russia):

UK General - Inner Core - RussiaWilliam Browder - william.browder@hermitagefund.com
Mungo Melvin - mungo.melvin@live.co.uk
Ben Nimmo - bnimmo@atlanticcouncil.org
Ed Lucas - eluc@me.com
Anne Applebaum - anne.applebaum@gmail.com
Charles Dick - cjdick@mac.com
Euan Grant - euanagrant@gmail.com
Bobo Lo - bobolo_uk@yahoo.co.uk
John Lough - jlough@outlook.com
Vadim Kleiner - vadim.kleiner@hermitagefund.com
Drew Foxall - andrew.foxall@henryjacksonsociety.org
Vladimir Ashurkov - v.ashurkov@gmail.com
James Nixey - jnixey@chathamhouse.org
Craig Oliphant - craigoliphant.jco@gmail.com
James Sherr - jamessherr77@gmail.com
Giles Harris - giles.harris238@mod.uk
Kadri Liik - kadri.liik@ecfr.eu
Igor Sutyagin - igors@rusi.org
Alistair Wood - alistair.wood@commonwealthargosy.com
Peter Pomerantsev - pomeranzev2002@yahoo.co.uk
Ian Bond - ian@cer.org.uk
Nina Jancowicz

UK General - Outer Core - RussiaRoderick Collins
Julian Moore
Alexander Hoare
Graham Geale
James Wilson - james.wilson@hfw.com
Sir Adam Thompson
Alastair Aitken - aandjaitken@hotmail.com
Chris Bell
Robin Ashcroft - robin.ashcroft@commonwealthargosy.com
Alistair Wood - alistair.wood@commonwealthargosy.com
Orsyia Lutsevych - olutsevych@chathamhouse.org
Ben Bradshaw - ben.bradshaw.mp@parliament.uk
Baiba Braze - embassy.uk@mfa.gov.lv
Nick Childs - admiral534@yahoo.com
Alzbeta Chmelarova - chmelarovaa@gmail.com
Zach Harkenrider - harkenriderZX@state.gov
David Nicholas - nicholasdpb@parliament.uk
Maya Parmar - mparmar13@gmail.com
Ellie Scarnell - scarnelle@parliament.uk
Asta Skaigiryte - asta.skaisgiryte@urm.lt
Gintaras Stonys - gintaras.stonys@urm.lt
Ian Williams - ianwil1@mac.com
Carl Miller - carl.miller@demos.co.uk
Clement Daudy - clement@wilmorefinance.com
Gabriel Daudy - gabriel@wilmorefinance.com
Lucy Stafford - lucy.stafford13@gmail.com
Diane Allen - dianeallen.home@virgin.net
Alexandros Papaioanno - papaioannou.a@hq.nato.int
Paddy Nicoll - paddy@commonbarn.com

For now, Britain is capable of conducting such operations in the following states:
* Spain: Spain-Cluster.pdf
* France: France-Cluster.pdf
* Germany: Germany-Cluster.pdf
* Austria Cluster: Austria-Cluster.pdf
* UK Cluster (SubGroups): UK-Cluster.pdf
* USA and Canada Cluster: USA-Canada-Cluster.pdf
* Italy: Italy-Cluster.pdf
* Greece: Greece-Cluster.pdf
* The Netherlands: Netherlands-Cluster.pdf
* Lithuania: Baltics-Cluster.pdf
* Norway: Nordic-Clusters.pdf
* Serbia and Montenegro: Central-Eastern-Cluster.pdf
* Malawi: x-Outreach.pdf
* Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerdland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA: x-Country.pdf

* Cluster leaders: Cluster-Leaders.pdf
* Cluster participants: Cluster-Participants.pdf


ГРУ, Ашурков, Россия, Великобритания, Навальный, information warfare

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