EASAC, the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council, is publishing this Statement to build on recent work by its member academies to reinforce criticism of the health and scientific claims made for homeopathic products. The analysis and conclusions are based on the excellent science-based assessments already published by authoritative and impartial bodies. The fundamental importance of allowing and supporting consumer choice requires that consumers and patients are supplied with evidence-based, accurate and clear information. It is, therefore, essential to implement a standardised, knowledge-based regulatory framework to cover product efficacy, safety and quality, and accurate advertising practices, across the European Union (EU).
Our Statement examines the following issues:
Scientific mechanisms of action - where we conclude that the claims for homeopathy are implausible and inconsistent with established scientific concepts.
Clinical efficacy - we acknowledge that a placebo effect may appear in individual patients but we agree with previous extensive evaluations concluding that there are no known diseases for which there is robust, reproducible evidence that homeopathy is effective beyond the placebo effect. There are related concerns for patient-informed consent and for safety, the latter associated with poor quality control in preparing homeopathic remedies.
Promotion of homeopathy - we note that this may pose significant harm to the patient if incurring delay in seeking evidence-based medical care and that there is a more general risk of undermining public confidence in the nature and value of scientific evidence.
Veterinary practice - we conclude similarly that there is no rigorous evidence to substantiate the use of homeopathy in veterinary medicine and it is particularly worrying when such products are used in preference to evidence-based medicinal products to treat livestock infections.
We make the following recommendations.
1. There should be consistent regulatory requirements to demonstrate efficacy, safety and quality of all products for human and veterinary medicine, to be based on verifiable and objective evidence, commensurate with the nature of the claims being made. In the absence of this evidence, a product should be neither approvable nor registrable by national regulatory agencies for the designation medicinal product.
2. Evidence-based public health systems should not reimburse homeopathic products and practices unless they are demonstrated to be efficacious and safe by rigorous testing.
3. The composition of homeopathic remedies should be labelled in a similar way to other health products available: that is, there should be an accurate, clear and simple description of the ingredients and their amounts present in the formulation.
4. Advertising and marketing of homeopathic products and services must conform to established standards of accuracy and clarity. Promotional claims for efficacy, safety and quality should not be made without demonstrable and reproducible evidence
Согласно опубликованному докладу организации EASAC (European Academies’ Science Advisory Council), объединяющей академии наук 29 европейских стран, гомеопатические средства могут нанести вред пациентам, которые нуждаются в лечении. Составители заключения утверждают, что гомеопатические препараты мешают принимать настоящие лекарства и подрывают у больных веру в медицинское сообщество.
Таким образом, ученые хотят повлиять на регулирующие органы Евросоюза, чтобы те усилили борьбу с гомеопатией.
Также они рекомендует правительствам стран ЕС ввести нормы для прекращения ложных утверждений и рекламных сообщений гомеопатов. В частности EASAC рекомендует прекратить финансирование гомеопатических средств из государственных медицинских программ и требуют четко указывать на этикетках таких препаратов состав активных компонентов и их дозировку.
Может, лет через 15 и до России дойдет.
По ветеринарии, думаю, лет через 30, не меньше. С учетом засилия шаманств типа
АСД-2 (это на полном серьезе применяют!).
Прочел тут:
>> гомеопатические препараты мешают принимать настоящие лекарства
> В этом как раз заключается польза гомеопатии.
А, кстати, ведь, действительно. Зачем мешать. Тупой - отправляйся домой.
По крайней мере, надо было бы сделать так, как в западной европе: запретить в госучреждениях обычным врачам выдавать. А шаманы пусть хоть сотнями килограммов отгружают. Любители рептилоидов продолжают "лечится" и постепенно проходят естественный отбор. Для развитого общества это хорошо. Обычные люди, обращающиеся за помощью в нормальные медучреждения, не пострадают.