I uploaded my Sporangia Masthead tonight. I didn't get the dimensions quite right, but it wasn't too bad for a first try. This is temporary until I get around to doing my own artwork. I had dinner tonight with Vala and saw that her Carson illustrations are coming along. We also talked about the best facial angles for a Sheppard portrait
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Because DW has fewer options it is actually easier to customize. Eventually I will get to work on the Lj journal, and play with colors and the Masthead. I think my cross post command just kicked in for the first time, I need to name which journal I am commenting on to stop confusion.
I feel your computer pain. The hours wasted on it make me sooooo mad.
Don't ever put gravel on your yard except for the driveway. Plants will grow through it, and it looks terrible. It seems great in theory--Don't go there.
You can actually give it a percentage from there; make sure you select "keep aspect ratio" so it preserves your current proportions. Um... ya might wanna shrink it more than 6%.. that's a rather large graphic.
Re text.. if DW's like LJ, you can select your text for the title... but then maybe that's associated w/ the theme you pick. Mine allowed me to do that. I'm not entirely crazy about the font, (which appears to be the same one as yours, BTW...).. haven't really tried to mess with it that much yet.
One other suggestion re fonts... if it will allow you to NOT display some kind of text up there, you could add text in the font of your choice as part of the graphic... then it'd be just part of the artwork & independent of what people might choose for a default browser font. If you do that, consider adding something in the "alt text" area in your image code so people who are surfing w/o images or or who are sight impaired can still have some idea of what your site's about...
I don't know if DW will let you adjust the size of the text area. The theme I'm using on LJ lets me tweak that; on general principle, I've always set the area at 90% of the window; that way, it's more likely to reconfigure itself so you don't need to keep scrolling back & forth, which is something I personally find annoying.
Re gravel... hmmm... how 'bout asphalt then...?? Somebody down Wacahoota Road actually HAS made a gravel pit in his front yard... if you come up the Williston Rd side you can see it; so far it looks OK.
I am totally puzzled by this outcome. Obviously I did something wrong. The only other possibility is that the Code Pushes that the DW maintenance crew has been doing have been affecting changes in the borders of my template That happened on the last push. If they reduced the pixel space that could explain my non-shrinkage, but likely I just screwed up somewhere.
I do have the ability to add a journal title. But I didn't know where it would show up relative to the image. So I left it out. Because this is a journal and not a website, I don't need to obey the graphic conventions about masthead design. People who come to my journal will be expecting a journal not a website. I don't think I need to explain to people who accidentally find me that this is a journal (Lj itself tells them that). And you guys expect to see lots of graphics, because that's what I do. So a whopping masthead shouldn't be a problem. More crucial is posting long text blocks under cuts so I won't clog other people's friend's lists. I suppose the same goes for graphics. Since right now it is just us, that's not a problem but if we start extending our flists then we need to do that. DW allows you to subscribe to other people's journals without having to friend them, so you avoid the I'll-show-you-mine-if-you-show-me-yours reciprocallity inherent in the standard Lj set-up. Lj does allow you to create discreet groups, and allows you to post to friends only. But that set up has limitations. DW improves on that. Since I'm learning both systems simultaneously, it gets confusing.
I don't think I can adjust the type position or font in DW. The template puts it in a standard place. Once I figure out where that place is I can design around it. I should try an upload just to see how it looks then I can redo the Masthead. I saved all the parts so that won't be a big deal. It's the longstanding HTML problem how to solve placement with limited command options. It drives designer's crazy.
Almost everyone who puts down gravel as a solution to avoiding mowing, regrets it--and later--getting the unwanted gravel out of your yard is an unbelievable pain.
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