Apparently, Wall-E is
liberal propoganda. Disclaimer: Think Progress is, in fact, a liberal media blog website, but I imagine we can give a little creedence to this article seeing as most of the entertaining and shockingly dumb conservative statements are direct quotes from conservatives. I love how the messages of "over-consumption is bad" and "take care of the Earth" are liberal propoganda. Those are just a couple of the more latent messages of the movie. The more explicit message of the movie is love and curiosity are worth risking everything to experience. If I've had this conversation with you, you know I have a history of attacking cartoons for their latent messages. So, I'll actually grant conservatives that Wall-E has some latent liberal messages.
That being said, let's take a look at conservative propoganda in cartoons. Now, my definition of conservative propoganda might be a bit wider than what the conservative media would like it to be, but they can deal with it. This would take a while if it were comprehensive, so let's just take a few of my favorite examples: The Little Mermaid. The wonderful story of a female mermaid who longs to be human, but resigns herself to her life in the sea. Upon seeing the most handsome human male ever, she decides to trade her VOICE for LEGS in order to win the heart of this young man. Now, it doesn't end there, but the only reason it doesn't is because an evil witch-type lady (who happens to be ugly and overweight - any connection there?) foils all plans for happiness and attacks them and so on. So, she trades her VOICE for LEGS. Women should be seen and not heard? That's a conservative message to me.
But that's not a talking point on the conservative agenda. Here's a talking point of the conservatives that is represented in a movie. Now, this hurts me a bit, because I actually enjoy the movie for the characters mostly. Robots. Here's the message of Robots: A relatively poor boy from a suburb moves to the big city to make it as an engineer in the big world for the big company. He gets down on his luck and the bad guy almost kills him, but the former big business owner comes in to save the day and everyone is for the better because of his big business strategies. In a nutshell, big business will save you! Guess who made Robots... Fox.
So I think it's okay that we have a "liberal" cartoon every now and then.
- toddly