I was bit by the drawing bug yesterday around 1 and finished 2 of the requests given to me. For some odd reason I always draw better late at night/early in the morning. Anyway, I finished the request of Suzie working on the glove from
phantomreviewer and a very fluffy Ianto and Jack hugging and smiling from
jemilia . Both were so fun to draw, although I might not have actually followed up on the requests.. Hopefully you'll like it!!
Yea, Suzie is crazy, but is fun to draw! It was fun to rewatch episode 1 to see all the little details on the knife and glove. While doing that I realized that Suzie looked much different from what I thought, so here is the new and improved Suzie! Still dead though.
I wasn't expecting to finish this one so fast but here it is!!! They're in causal clothes cause I like to think they're taking a vacation together some where nice and quiet, away from the others and torchwood in general! The evil scanner killed Jack's hair!!!!