Aug 07, 2006 21:06

so i met Rick today

he is the coolest person i have ever met, aparently too much is too much but i really liked hanging out with him

he was the kind of personality that, when stupid things happen, instead of getting pissed, he makes it funny

we ate cheese burgers and went bowling

and played the RSlite, which is possably the coolest thing i have ever seen i asked and i think i'm gonna try to make one myself for the highschool

i can't wait to hang out with him again

it's weird how him and Jon are such good friends cause Rick is so loud and non stop talking, and Jon is so quiet

i dont' know there is just something aboot all of Ryan's friends, they are all so nice and i dont' know, like with Mick he just invited me to a party and i only met him once before

and with Nikki, we didn't even introduce ourselves

Marlon and Hanna were both really nice too eventhough i didn't know about Hanna at first but apparently that rose was a peace offering (i still have it) (i found something cute to give her for her birthday too)

everyone is awesome


quote of the day: 'don't touch the fish' -Rick
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