(no subject)

Sep 01, 2007 23:55

Comment and I'll give you a letter.
- You have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter.
- Afterwards, post this in your journal.

skydagger  gave me L.

1. Love
2. Lita
3. Luna Lovegood ^_^
4. Llamas
5. *lick*
6. leather ('specially in pants form)
7. Lemonade
8. the name 'Liam'
9. being Lazy
10. Um... Blake Lewis. That counts, right?

sweetrapture82  gave me A.

1. Aspirations
2. Air
4. Animals
5. Anime
6. Ashley :)
7. American Idol
8. the name 'Aletha'
9. Apples
10. America
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