Apr 27, 2006 16:42
The internet is a dandy thing, for instance it showed me how much Ford fucking sucks!
Here's why: One of my oxygen sensors went out about 6 or so months ago. Looked into it and found that all it's good for is saving about a thimbles worth of gas every now and then. Mainly it's just a shitty little part that Ford puts into their cars that goes out every so often that sets off your "check engine" light. Did the "good little owner" thing and went to the Ford parts shop and asked how much one would run, was told about 140+ dollars, WITHOUT FUCKING INSTALLATION!!! Just went online to a parts site and can get the same part for 30 bucks max. With shipping and handling that's still around a hundred bucks-WHY!!!!????!!!! Also have to get a new mirror shell as mine has been beat to shit by people who can't corner there cars right. The world sometimes... Checked the site and picked one up for 30 bucks after s/h, sure it's black but I'm not choosy at this point.
Of course all of this is leading up to me getting a new automobile. Madolin and my bro Joe's recent purchases have opened up my eyes to the fact that I have a '95 Contour with near 130k miles on it. The first problem there is that it's a Ford Car (don't get me wrong, I like the trucks just fine), the other is that it's WAY past 90k (in which I've been told that these cars are good until).
As for the car I'm looking for, I'm interested in a '02-'04 Toyota Tacoma with an extended cab and preferable V6 for hauling shtuff, and of course lower miles. Now that I look at it I have never owned a car with anything less than 80K (and that was the Buick in which I was super lucky). I'd like a car that I don't have to worry about getting overhauled in the next year or so.
Well I'm done ranting, gonna go take a shower (work leaves me shtanky!)