Today In Tweeting

Jul 01, 2010 10:06

Todays Tweets:

  • 10:07 Things I hate: people who use the phrase "That's bad satire." #
  • 14:03 @ rhymeswithhappy you never wrote for The Press #
  • 14:05 Got nycc credentials approved. Schwing and Excelsior! #
  • 17:19 If you dont follow @baratunde, do so now and go back and read his live hatetweet of Eclipse. It's bloody beautiful. #
  • 19:34 Fun with childhood #
  • 19:57 Moral of the story: I was a freakin gay three year old #
  • 20:17 this is a poop song #
  • 21:08 The vuvuzela has infected baseball #
  • 08:45 iPod with OS4 being all kinds of weird #
  • 09:32 @ samkilb the Tuba was the best part #
  • 09:49 @ THiNKMagazine bigggg dawwwggg #
  • 09:55 @ rhymeswithhappy Shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know. #
  • 10:01 @ rhymeswithhappy Room service? Send up a larger room. #
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