Today In Tweeting

Jun 29, 2010 10:07

Todays Tweets:

  • 10:19 there are few things in life i hate more than summer colds #
  • 13:46 Happy 84th Birthday Melvin Kaminsky, or as everyone knows him, the one and only Mel Brooks #
  • 17:56 And so I set about interviewing the #8 dj in the world. Love you, @sbpress #
  • 20:24 @ r0wiee i still dont see how one would actually do that in a club #
  • 21:05 @ KrissyRubbles what are you doing for the 4th? #
  • 00:29 The Devil (3), God(4), and Science(5). Man, I love crafting @zoofights Loser's League Baddies #
  • 00:32 @ KrissyRubbles WELL THAT FUCKING SUCKS #
  • 09:10 @ smulligan wow, next you'll be telling me that longcat is long #
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