Today In Tweeting

Jun 18, 2010 10:04

Todays Tweets:

  • 12:40 Thing I learned today: Scotch used to make video cassettes. I don't think they do any more. #
  • 15:27 Free Comedy show @ Prospect Park tonight. Anyone else going? #
  • 16:25 @ thelmagazine youre a day late on that one #
  • 18:13 I continue to like Ike #
  • 18:57 Off to Prospect Park to see comedians be funny for free. #
  • 20:05 Michale Showalter has a cat cake with his face on it. I hope it came out well. #
  • 20:22 Eugene Mirman is handing small children inappropriate Fathers Day cards. Its brilliant. #
  • 20:43 Holy shit Jim Gaffigan after @hodgman Hot Pooocket in Park Slope. #
  • 21:01 Just realized Ive seen both halves of Pale Force this month. #
  • 08:48 #usa release the vuvuzelas of war. #
  • 08:57 Two bros dressed as Elvis and portraits of presidents. #
  • 09:45 we're losing to a team most americans can't point to on a map #
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