The trip was fun, of course. My nephew was born on Saturday at 4 a.m. He's perfect, of course. :D And a genius. His first name is a religion that I used to be, but his middle name is Alexander and I like that, it's powerful. The boyfriend drove around a lot looking for my sister's wife-beating ex husband but we didn't find him, even though everyone around town said they'd seen him as recently as the day before. Dammit.
I ate like a pig the whole three days past but I told myself I could. Had two ice cream cones, tater tots, corn nuts, fries, pizza, etc. It sucks because my tattoo still hurts like hell and I can't move around very well and haven't gone to the gym since last wednesday. I'm proud of myself for not picking at it the first three days because I'm a compulsive picker. I'm starting to mess with the scabs a little but not letting myself pull everything off. Damn that would be satisfying but I love this tattoo and I don't want it to get fucked up.
I'll admit, it was nice to have everyone exclaiming over how much weight I've lost. My former boss at Sonic didn't even recognize me. We had her come out and she was talking to Boyfriend and just kind of looking at me but as if I were a stranger, I had to lean over and be like "do you even know who I am??" We saw a lot of our old friends and it was better than I thought it would be. On the drive over there I was very apprehensive and had to stop and ask myself why. I figured out it was because in the year and a half since we left I've become a much more confident person. I like myself now. I was afraid going back there would make me retract back into myself, I was afraid it would kill my personality again and turn me into the old quiet nervous me. But it didn't. I ignored it all and acted like the self-important loud idiot I am now. Hey, people enjoy it.
Okay, picture time now.
There's my nephew, looking deceptively like a normal red squashy newborn. Hmm, funny how you wouldn't know by looking at him that he's going to be the next king of the world. :P
In case anyone was thinking of moving there, this is what all of western oklahoma looks like. Yep. Definitely makes one appreciate the mountains here.
And I know you've already seen my tattoo but the huge mirror in our hotel room made me want to take pictures in it.